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You can attach documents directly to an account, or upload a file directly to the Documents library without attaching it to any company.

  • Starting from the Documents tab, select the folder where you wish to add the document. Click New.
  • Starting from the Accounts tab, open the account detail and go to the Related Info section below. Where it says ‘Select a related view’ choose Documents from the drop-down. Click the New Document button.

The “Upload File to Fileserver” dialog will appear. Complete the information fields below, then click on the “Save and Close” button to upload the document.

  1. Document: Click on the “Browse” button to locate and select the document on your PC.
  2. Title: Enter a brief summary of the document in the Title field. This field is mandatory.
  3. Description: Put more details in the Description. This field is mandatory.You may enter the same information as Title.
  4. Show in Customer View: Select "Yes"
  5. Company News: Select "Yes" if you want the document to appear on everyone’s dashboard

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