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You can designate one or more email accounts to be a Support Inbox. This is the email address to which your customers send their support inquiries. This is a Commence On Demand Premium Email feature.

Configuring the Support Inbox[edit]

Use the following steps to customize the support inbox:

1. Select Administration from the Quick Links section.

2. Select Module Settings from the Administrator listing.

3. Select Support. The Support Module Settings screen displays.

4. Select Support Inbox. The Support Module Settings: Support Inbox screen displays.

5. When you are finished configuring each option, click the Save button to save the support inbox setup.

Defined Email Accounts[edit]

Each new email sent to a support inbox email account is assigned a Ticket ID. Any subsequent email messages that reference a Ticket ID are recorded as threads in the ticket resolution process.

Select only email accounts that are dedicated to receiving support related emails. Choose one or more support email addresses in the list of Defined Email Accounts using the Add button. The selected support accounts will appear to the right in the Selected Support Email Accounts listing.

Check Mail Every[edit]

Choose an appropriate frequency for checking the Selected Support Email Accounts for new support emails. The system can check as often as every 5 minutes, or as infrequently as ever 30 minutes. Select an automatic mail checking interval using the drop down list. If you prefer to check for new support email yourself, choose 'Never'.

Default Owner of Tickets[edit]

To prevent unassigned support tickets, use the Lookup button to assign a default owner for all Support Inbox generated tickets.

Auto Response Templates[edit]

Add your custom message text to the auto-response email sent to your customers.

  • Click Edit to enter auto-response text for new tickets.
  • Click Edit to enter auto-response text for existing tickets.
  • Click Edit to enter auto-response text for errors, that is, invalid ticket IDs.

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