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Customizing your CRM Dashboard


Setting the Refresh Rate

The Dashboard automatically refreshes to display the latest information. You can adjust this by setting the Refresh Rate. To refresh less frequently, choose your interval in minutes. For a rapid refresh (1 minute or less between intervals), set the Minutes to 0 and choose the number of Seconds.

Arranging Portlets on your Dashboard

You may decide which portlets appear on your own CRM Dashboard by clicking the Edit button and moving available portlets between the “Available” and “Show” lists. Those listed under “Show these portlets” will appear on your Digital Dashboard screen. The system will optimize the cleanest possible look in the order you established.

  1. Move an “Available” portlet to the “Show” list by highlighting the portlet name and clicking the Add button.
  2. Remove a portlet from the “Show” list by highlighting the name and clicking on the Remove button.
  3. Rearrange the order of appearance of portlets on the “Show” list by highlighting the summary name and clicking the Up or Down button. Click Save when done.

Available Dashboard Portlets

Each Dashboard portlet provides immediate access to vital information and shortcuts to additional tasks. Below is a brief description of each one.

Note: Your available choices of portlets are determined by your Security Profile setup by the CRM System Administrator, and by the application modules licensed for use.


Alerts are reminders that have been set for activities such as meetings, appointments or calls. Alerts will appear on your dashboard based on the time frame you have established, such as 1 hour prior to the activity as an example.

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The more button on the right will display a complete list of all your scheduled activities.

Today's Calendar

Today's Calendar displays appointments associated with accounts or leads.

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You can schedule additional activities by simply selecting the Schedule button on the right. This will display a calendar to schedule the new activity.

Monthly Calendar

The monthly calendar displays the current month and the current day highlighted in yellow.

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You can quickly view and schedule activities for future months by clicking the right arrow next to the date field or the arrow on the left to view prior months.

Today's Activities (Calendar and Non-Calendar)

This displays appointments as well as activities that have no specific date or time frame assigned to them. These are to-do’s that need to be completed in the near term. The portlet simply serves as a reminder for you.

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You can schedule additional activities by clicking the Add New button.

Overdue Activities

This displays tasks that you did not complete by the due date. Clicking on the activity name will display the details of the activity and allow you to modify, update or reschedule the activity.

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The Add New button allows you to schedule a new activity while the More button will open My Pending Activities view, which display additional activities still pending.


Conversations allows you to broadcast a message to other users directly from your dashboard, and read messages from users you are following.


Company News

Company news allows you to share information with people throughout the organization such as white papers, reports, price guides, brochures, customer testimonials or other newsworthy documents. The More button will display a complete listing of documents. Company news requires the Document library module.

My Favorite Reports

The Reports portlet allows you to select a set of reports that you use day in and day out and display them directly on your dashboard making report access quick and efficient.

New Leads

The New Leads portlet alerts you when you have a new lead. It displays the total number of leads with a status of 'New' that are assigned to you. Click the More button to view all your new leads. You can also add a new lead by clicking the Add New button.

Pending Opportunities

This displays all opportunities that you are currently working on. Clicking on the opportunity name will display the details of that specific opportunity. Clicking on the account or company name in (parentheses) will display the full detail of the account or company.

Sales Pipeline

The sales pipeline provides a graphical view of how many opportunities there are in each stage of the sales cycle and there value. Clicking on any stage will display the opportunities in that stage.

Sales Performance

Sales representatives can track their performance against quota directly on their home page. Entering quarterly sales quotas for each sales user is an administrative function and detailed in the administrators guide.

Support Tickets

Displays any service ticket assign to you. Clicking on the name will display the details of the ticket. You can also add a new ticket by clicking the New Ticket button or view all open tickets by selecting the More button.

Project Tasks

Displays all project tasks assigned to you. You can add new projects and tasks by clicking on the appropriate button. Clicking the More button will display all project tasks.

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