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Security Profiles are created to grant or deny users access to specific modules of information and functionality within the system. The administrator may establish security profiles by individual, by group or by specific job function. Access rights can be granted by selecting “All” or “None” (i.e., no access) for each module. The main modules are shown as tab pages along the top of the screen (e.g., Accounts, Calendar, Activities, etc.) Premium features and plug-ins can also typically be activated or deactivated for a group of users by updating their Security Profile.

Viewing Security Profiles To begin select under then select

• Click the Security Profile name to open the Profile Settings screen. This will show more detail about that profile.

The default security profile is named “Full Access” and gives access to all available modules that have been purchased for your company. Click the Profile Name to see the Profile Settings for each security profile.The “Expand” button lists any additional sub-modules within each application. The checkbox next to each module allows you to activate/deactivate that feature for the users on that profile.

• A check indicates that the users on this profile will have access to that specific application and/or function.

• A blank checkbox means the user will not have access to this area.