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Configuring the Dropbox

Once the dropbox is set up it is ready for use by any authorized CRM user at your company.

Note: Dropbox settings can only be entered by an On Demand administrator. If no one has Administrator rights at your company, please contact Commence to help you with the dropbox configuration.

To enter the dropbox settings for your company:

  1. Select Administration from the Quick Links menu.
  2. Select Configuration from the Administrator menu.
  3. Select Email Settings under Configuration.
  4. Select the Dropbox Settings tab on the Email Settings page.
  5. Enter the information requested and click Save.
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Commence CRM Dropbox Settings

Account Information

  • Dropbox Address: This is the dedicated dropbox email address.

Server Information

  • Account Type: Only POP3 inboxes are supported at this time.
  • Incoming Mail Server: This is the URL used by your mail server to receive email. Using the fictional Acme Company, this would be “”.
  • Port: This is typically “110” for POP3. Check with your email provider if you are not sure of the correct settings.
  • SSL: Check this box only if your mail server requires encryption.

Login Information

This allows On Demand to automatically check your dropbox (email inbox) at regular intervals to capture any email messages that have been logged by On Demand users.

  • User Name: Enter the email address for the dropbox account.
  • Password: Enter the email password for the dropbox account.
If the email password changes be sure to update this login information in CRM!

Your company CRM dropbox setup is complete.