The System Tools provide you with the ability to import data from disparate sources and perform territory realignment.
Importing Account Information
Commence On Demand allows you to group accounts into account lists. This is especially helpful in organizations that need to manage specific subsets of accounts. For example, you can create account lists to separate your customers, vendor and partners; to group accounts by sales phases or align accounts by territories.
You can import account data into existing account lists or edit or create new lists. Note: Commence recommends that the file is saved as Tab delimited, but CSV (comma separated) files are also supported.
To import account data:
1. Select Administration from the Quick Links section.
2. Select System Tools from the Administrator section. The Account Import screen displays by default.
3. Click the New button. The Data Import: Step 1 screen displays.
4. Select an existing list from the Import To drop-down list or enter a name for a new list in the List Name field.
5. Enter a description for the list and indicate the list owner.
6. Click Next. The Data Import: Step2 screen displays.
4) Next identify the field separator. The default is “,” for a CSV type of file. Clear this and put a checkmark in the Tab box if you have a Tab delimited file.
5) Your customer file should have each contact on a separate line. Each row of the file represents a new contact to be imported. Put a checkmark in the box for to indicate the line separator in your file is a new line.
6) Is the first row of your spreadsheet a Header Row? Choose Yes to this question if the first row contains generic field labels such as ‘First name’, ‘Last Name’ ‘Address 1’, etc.). Choosing Yes will add contacts starting from Row 2 of your customer file. Choose No to import starting from Row 1 of your file. At this point, you are ready to choose the customer file.
7) After the file is selected, click “NEXT”.
8) The final Step is to MAP the database fields. Sample values from Row 1 of your customer file will be listed on the left. Match these up with the CRM field from the drop downs on the right (customer name = entity name, first name = first name, phone number = main phone, and so on).
- HINT: Commence On-Demand also gives you the ability to SAVE a mapping that you have completed. This will speed up future imports by skipping the mapping process if you have multiple spreadsheets to import with the same format. At the bottom of the mapping page is where you can save a custom mapping for future use.
Territory Realignment-
From time to time you may need to re-assign accounts to other sales people. The territory realignment tool offers a high degree of flexibility in that regard. You can simply replace one sales person with another and move all accounts to the new person, or use additional criteria to dissect the account list by industry, location or a variety of other variables.Click Administrator, System Tools, Territory Realignment and review the query and filter options. This function will move all the details from each matching record to the new sales person.