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The Support Module is designed to help your customer support efforts in three key areas:

1. Tickets – tracking of known customer support issues and their resolution
2. FAQ – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
3. Knowledgebase – Articles containing information about your products and services.
4. Analytics – Graphic charts which help you to track the resolution of tickets.

How to View Ticket Analytic Graphics

Some Ticket analytical charts may be viewed within the Support module, or by selecting “Analytics” from the Support Module.

How to Create a New Ticket

Add a new Ticket by clicking on the “New” button on the Support screen and filling in information on the dialog, which appears.

How to View Tickets

Tickets may be viewed at any time when using the Support module by selecting the tickets to be viewed from the Support Module Action panel. Select “My Tickets” to view your own tickets. Select “All Tickets” to view all tickets for your organization. Click on a ticket “Subject” or “Account Name” to view detail for that ticket.

How to Update a Ticket

A ticket’s “Status” or other information may change over a period of time, or you may wish to record progress or other additional information. Simply view ticket detail in the normal manner, edit the fields displayed, and then save your changes. Note: Tickets may not be updated after they are closed. However, a Closed ticket may be reopened (Click on the “Re-open Ticket” icon at the top of the detail page)

How to Delete a Ticket

Place a checkmark beside one or more tickets. Then click on the “Delete” button to delete them.

The Support FAQ List

By selecting “FAQ” from the Support Module, you may access a list of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). These FAQs usually deal with products, services and other matters related to your organization. This can be a very helpful reference library when looking for answers to customer questions.

The Support Knowledgebase

Select “Knowledgebase” from the Support Module. While FAQs usually provide short and concise answers for customer questions, the Knowledgebase is oriented toward detailed and in-depth discussion of various issues.