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You mItalic textay send “attachment” files along with any email mes-sage. Attachments may come from the On-Demand Documents module, or from your own computer. Prepare the email message in the normal manner. Prior to sending the email, click on the “Attach File” button. On the “At-tach Files” dialog, select either a Commence On-Demand docu-ment, or one from your computer. Click on the “Attach” button to move the selected file into the “Attached Files” field. Click on the “Done” button to complete the attachment process.

1. Compose your email message in the normal manner.
2. Prior to sending the email, click on the “Attach File” button to begin the attachment process. The “Attach Files” dialog will appear.
a. To attach a document from the On-Demand database, click on the “Lookup” button and click on the round ra-dio button next to the listed file you wish to send. Then, click on “Select” to return to the “Attach Files” dialog.
b. To attach a file from your computer, click on the “Browse” button. A standard “Find Files” system will appear. Use this dialog in the normal manner to find and select the file you wish to attach.
3. After the file(s) to attach have been selected, you will return to the “Attach Files” dialog. Your selected files will be listed according to where you selected the file from.
4. To make the attachment, click on the “Attach” button to move the file name into the “Attached Files” area.
5. Your files are now attached and will be sent along with your email message.
