Adding New Users

From Commence CRM-Help

Revision as of 09:38, 17 September 2012 by Technowrites (talk | contribs)

Select from the sidebar on the left side of the Home Page. This will bring you to which allows you to manage users .

TIP: Be sure to let your on-boarding specialist know if you have employees who will login to Commence internationally (outside the USA) or from various regions of the country. Please take a moment to confirm the Server Settings are appropriate for your company before adding each user.Adding Users is as easy as clicking the “New” button

• Select the desired type of user from the Type drop down. For example:

o Employee is the recommended type for most users.
o Administrators will have access to the “Administration” module. They can also view any record in the database.
o Customers will have limited access to the database via the Customer Portal.

• Next, select the corresponding contact by clicking the “Lookup” button to fill in the User Name. If the contact is not listed, open your Company profile in the Accounts tab and add the missing contact.

o Best Practices: Any employee contact who may have leads or accounts assigned to them must be added as a user. If they are not licensed to use Commence On-Demand the user may be deactivated by setting Enabled to “No” (see below for more info). “Disabled” users do not count toward your total user limit.

• Type a New Password and re-enter this in the Confirm Password box.

• Use the Lookup button to select an appropriate Security Profile for this user, such as “Full Access”.

• Select the YES button to enable or activate the new user. The maximum number of users that can be enabled is based on your license agreement.

• Click Save & New to add additional users or Save & Close if you are finished adding new users.